Wednesday, 2 May 2012


As an extra little treat for those girls and boys that have looked at my blog, I will share a little internet find with you! Just when I was started to get a little irked with the 'Keep Calm And ... blah, blah, blah' band wagon (based upon a WWII poster here in Britain) ... I stumbled across this website to make your own images!

Now, if I were myself a student at St Abelard's, I'm sure this would earn me a trip over Matron Frost's knee, but I made a few pictures of my own!

Here are just a few examples. Ooh, and should foxy Miss Hasler read this before she checks her email ... I sent you a little related present, honey!

Becky xxx


  1. You're a very bad girl, Becky Sharpe!

  2. I recently made mention of this franchise in a story on my blog, my perfect motto would be Keep Calm and Carry On Spanking.

  3. I wish you well in your blog adventures Becky, and look forward to reading about any improper conduct the young ladies of St Abelards may be tempted to commit and their personal consequences for doing so. Being well versed in issues regarding corrective discipline i am anticipating that any correction administered will certainly fit the crime to obviously deter these little minxes from further disruptions.

    Correction Man.

    1. Well, if corrective discipline is what you're after, St Abelard's is the school for you! In short, I refer back to the school motto - qui bene amat, bene castigat (‘spare the rod, spoil the child’).
      Thanks your nice words and happy reading!


  4. During your introduction to St Abelards in the above thread you mention how Alan Rickman would be both precise and calculating when disciplining you Becky Surely a polite young woman like you would never require true corrective disciplining, however if by chance you did how would you be able to handle being stood befor such a stern figure? I ask you this because your friend Miss Penny Hassler on her excellent blog clearly states while discussing this particular topic with another that authority figures she finds difficult to accept and only during role playing ect can she accept such a figurehead. While i fully understand her stance on this issue i also differ with her in the fact that if true authority figures were not present, then society in general would most certainly be the loser.Fortunetly or unfortunetly depending on were your belifs lie i am from the old school who firmly believes in punishment should always fit any crimes commited. I enjoy reading both penny and your blogs and may they both continue to expand and please their readers.

    Correction Man.

  5. Well, I understand Penny's point about finding it hard to accept authority figures outside of the bedroom but, for me, it would depend on the authority figure in question. There is a fine line between authority and superiority. The latter is usually rooted in arrogance and a belief that one is always right but authority is more about inner confidence, charisma and strength of character. If those qualities were packaged in the body of, say, Eric Bana or delivered by the voice of Alan Rickman how could I resist being a little bit naughty and giving them an excuse to scold me? ;o)

  6. Very well put indeed Becky and i a share your valid points put forward just like i understand Pennys views. If you are a true authority figure then indeed arrogance for want of a better word is a MAJOR failing, however if your confidence is high and also your self belief then the charisma comes effortlesly to the forfront and natual leadership and authority shines through; a trait that some individuals find both very irritating and hard to handle. So even when a more pleasenter approach to matters are frequently used, there certainly are times when a more ruthless attitude and approach is required during daily life with certain individuals ;who are only concerned with disrupting things to the best of their abilities . Thank you for your honest reply

    Correction Man.
